(2225111) BANANA BY CARV NEWS on 2024-08-15 Post updates.
Hey Minions 😌
Did you guys notice anything different in the Apes tab? 👀
If you haven’t, we just rolled out an update for referrals and we think you guys will LOVE it:
✅ Users who invite 10/100/5000 friends will receive special 🍌; each can be sold for USDT!
P.S. Bananas at 10 and 100 invites are designs from the UGC winners
✅ Users who invite PREMIUM Telegram users will be able to claim more Bananas!
art inviting your fellow apes and maybe, just maybe, you’re one step closer to obtaining your Matrixnana 🤫
Maybe this time, my ex will see my worth 🍌